YWHAE protein P62258 UNIPROT CDKN1B protein P46527 UNIPROT down-regulates binding 9606 12042314 t miannu 14-3-3_, 14-3-3_, and 14-3-3_ (but not 14-3-3_ and 14-3-3_) could form a complex with p27kip1 / we discovered that akt-mediated p27kip1phosphorylation directly induces p27kip1binding to 14-3-3 and cytoplasmic localization through phosphorylating the newly identified thr198residue. SIGNOR-88297 0.521 YWHAE protein P62258 UNIPROT NDEL1 protein Q9GZM8 UNIPROT up-regulates activity binding 9606 BTO:0000938 17202468 t miannu 14-3-3epsilon is involved in the proper localization of NUDEL and LIS1 in axons. 14-3-3ε binds to NUDEL phosphorylated by cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk5) and maintains NUDEL phosphorylation. Deficiency of 14-3-3ε causes mislocalization of the NUDEL/LIS1 complex from axons, suggesting that 14-3-3ε regulates the axonal targeting of the NUDEL/LIS1 complex by sustaining NUDEL phosphorylation SIGNOR-252160 0.653 YWHAE protein P62258 UNIPROT TBP protein P20226 UNIPROT up-regulates activity binding 10449590 t lperfetto The in vitro binding with general transcription factors TBP and TFIIB together with its nuclear location provide evidence supporting a role for 14-3-3 proteins as transcriptional activators or coactivators when part of a DNA binding complex. SIGNOR-262834 0.354 ATG9A protein Q7Z3C6 UNIPROT YWHAE protein P62258 UNIPROT up-regulates activity binding 9606 25266655 t miannu Our data suggest that the localization of mammalian Atg9A to autophagosomes requires phosphorylation on the C terminus of Atg9A at S761, which creates a 14-3-3ζ docking site. Under basal conditions, this phosphorylation is maintained at a low level and is dependent on both ULK1 and AMPK. SIGNOR-266368 0.2 YWHAE protein P62258 UNIPROT NEFL protein P07196 UNIPROT down-regulates activity binding 9606 23230147 t miannu These results suggest the important role of 14-3-3 in the dynamic regulation of NF-L assembly, and in the capacity to prevent the formation of NF-L aggregates. all seven isoforms specifically interacted with NF-L, but not NF-M or NF-H. specific interaction of 14-3-3 proteins with phosphorylated NF-L subunits also indicated the role of 14-3-3 and NF-L phosphorylation in the disassembly of neurofilaments. What is more, binding of 14-3-3 to phosphorylated NF-L subunits may prevent the dephosphorylation of these subunits by phosphatases, maintaining the hyperphosphorylation state of the subunits, which facilitates the disassembly of neurofilaments. SIGNOR-252398 0.28 YWHAE protein P62258 UNIPROT GRIN2C protein Q14957 UNIPROT up-regulates quantity by stabilization binding 10090 19477150 t miannu Here, we demonstrate that PKB/Akt directly phosphorylates NR2C on serine 1096 (S1096). In addition, we identify 14-3-3epsilon as an NR2C interactor, whose binding is dependent on S1096 phosphorylation. These data are all consistent with a model in which NR1 and NR2C oligomerize, PKB phosphorylates S1096, and 14-3-3ε binds to phosphorylated NR2C thereby promoting NR2C-containing NMDA receptor surface expression in cerebellar granule cells. SIGNOR-262622 0.323