
Name PHF10
Full Name PHD finger protein 10
Synonyms BRG1-associated factor 45a, BAF45a, XAP135 | BAF45A
Primary ID Q8WUB8
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 3
Function Involved in transcription activity regulation by chromatin remodeling. Belongs to the neural progenitors-specific chromatin remodeling complex (npBAF complex) and is required for the proliferation of neural progenitors. During neural development a switch from a stem/progenitor to a post-mitotic chromatin remodeling mechanism occurs as neurons exit the cell cycle and become committed to their adult state. The transition from proliferating neural stem/progenitor cells to post-mitotic neurons requires a switch in subunit composition of the npBAF and nBAF complexes. As neural progenitors exit mitosis and differentiate into neurons, npBAF complexes which contain ACTL6A/BAF53A and PHF10/BAF45A, are exchanged for homologous alternative ACTL6B/BAF53B and DPF1/BAF45B or DPF3/BAF45C subunits in neuron-specific complexes (nBAF). The npBAF complex is essential for the self-renewal/proliferative capacity of the multipotent neural stem cells. The nBAF complex along with CREST plays a role regulating the activity of genes essential for dendrite growth (By similarity).



Regulator Mechanism target score
+ form complex img/form-complex.png binding Neural progenitor-specific SWI/SNF 0.712
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ form complex img/form-complex.png binding SWI/SNF ACTL6B varian 0.681
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ form complex img/form-complex.png binding Embryonic stem cell-specific SWI/SNF 0.621
Publications: 1 Organism: Mus Musculus