
Name AP1S1
Full Name AP-1 complex subunit sigma-1A
Synonyms Adaptor protein complex AP-1 subunit sigma-1A, Adaptor-related protein complex 1 subunit sigma-1A, Clathrin assembly protein complex 1 sigma-1A small chain, Clathrin coat assembly protein AP19, Golgi adaptor HA1/AP1 adaptin sigma-1A subunit, HA1 19 kDa subunit, Sigma 1a subunit of AP-1 clathrin, Sigma-adaptin 1A, Sigma1A-adaptin | AP19, CLAPS1
Primary ID P61966
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 1
Function Subunit of clathrin-associated adaptor protein complex 1 that plays a role in protein sorting in the late-Golgi/trans-Golgi network (TGN) and/or endosomes. The AP complexes mediate both the recruitment of clathrin to membranes and the recognition of sorting signals within the cytosolic tails of transmembrane cargo molecules.



Regulator Mechanism target score
+ form complex img/form-complex.png binding AP-1 complex 0.863
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens