
Name USO1
Full Name General vesicular transport factor p115
Synonyms Protein USO1 homolog, Transcytosis-associated protein, TAP, Vesicle-docking protein | VDP, VDP
Primary ID O60763
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 3
Function General vesicular transport factor required for intercisternal transport in the Golgi stack; it is required for transcytotic fusion and/or subsequent binding of the vesicles to the target membrane. May well act as a vesicular anchor by interacting with the target membrane and holding the vesicular and target membranes in proximity.


Modifications Tables


Regulator Mechanism target score
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png phosphorylation USO1 0.34
Publications: 1 Organism: In Vitro
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png binding GOLGB1 0.832
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png binding USO1 0.791
Publications: 1 Organism: In Vitro