
Full Name 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha
Synonyms Protein 1054, Protein kinase C inhibitor protein 1, KCIP-1
Primary ID P31946
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 6
Function Adapter protein implicated in the regulation of a large spectrum of both general and specialized signaling pathways. Binds to a large number of partners, usually by recognition of a phosphoserine or phosphothreonine motif. Binding generally results in the modulation of the activity of the binding partner. Negative regulator of osteogenesis. Blocks the nuclear translocation of the phosphorylated form (by AKT1) of SRPK2 and antagonizes its stimulatory effect on cyclin D1 expression resulting in blockage of neuronal apoptosis elicited by SRPK2. Negative regulator of signaling cascades that mediate activation of MAP kinases via AKAP13.


Modifications Tables


Regulator Mechanism target score
+ down-regulates img/direct_inhibition.png phosphorylation YWHAB 0.376
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ down-regulates img/direct_inhibition.png phosphorylation YWHAB 0.2
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ down-regulates img/direct_inhibition.png phosphorylation YWHAB 0.506
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ down-regulates activity img/direct_inhibition.png phosphorylation YWHAB 0.375
Publications: 1 Organism: Chlorocebus Aethiops
+ down-regulates activity img/direct_inhibition.png binding NEFL 0.257
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ down-regulates img/direct_inhibition.png binding SRPK2 0.335
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens