
Name PPP1R13L
Full Name RelA-associated inhibitor
Synonyms Inhibitor of ASPP protein, Protein iASPP, NFkB-interacting protein 1, PPP1R13B-like protein | IASPP, NKIP1, PPP1R13BL, RAI
Primary ID Q8WUF5
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 2
Function Regulator that plays a central role in regulation of apoptosis and transcription via its interaction with NF-kappa-B and p53/TP53 proteins. Blocks transcription of HIV-1 virus by inhibiting the action of both NF-kappa-B and SP1. Also inhibits p53/TP53 function, possibly by preventing the association between p53/TP53 and ASPP1 or ASPP2, and therefore suppressing the subsequent activation of apoptosis (PubMed:12524540).


Modifications Tables


Regulator Mechanism target score
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png phosphorylation PPP1R13L 0.524
Publications: 2 Organism: Homo Sapiens