
Name RNF145
Full Name RING finger protein 145
Synonyms RN145_HUMAN |
Primary ID Q96MT1
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 1
Function E3 ubiquitin ligase that catalyzes the direct transfer of ubiquitin from E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme to a specific substrate. In response to bacterial infection, negatively regulates the phagocyte oxidative burst by controlling the turnover of the NADPH oxidase complex subunits. Promotes monoubiquitination of CYBA and 'Lys-48'-linked polyubiquitination and degradation of CYBB NADPH oxidase catalytic subunits, both essential for the generation of antimicrobial reactive oxygen species. Involved in the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. In response to high sterol concentrations ubiquitinates HMGCR, a rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis, and targets it for degradation. The interaction with INSIG1 is required for this function. In addition, triggers ubiquitination of SCAP, likely inhibiting its transport to the Golgi apparatus and the subsequent processing/maturation of SREBPF2, ultimately downregulating cholesterol biosynthesis.



Regulator Mechanism target score
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png ubiquitination RNF145 0.2
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens