
Name UNK
Full Name RING finger protein unkempt homolog
Synonyms Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 5 | KIAA1753, ZC3H5, ZC3HDC5
Primary ID Q9C0B0
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Type protein
Relations 1
Function Sequence-specific RNA-binding protein which plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of the early morphology of cortical neurons during embryonic development. Acts as a translation repressor and controls a translationally regulated cell morphology program to ensure proper structuring of the nervous system. Translational control depends on recognition of its binding element within target mRNAs which consists of a mandatory UAG trimer upstream of a U/A-rich motif. Associated with polysomes (PubMed:25737280).



Regulator Mechanism target score
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png ubiquitination UNK 0.2
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens