
Name BUB3
Full Name Mitotic checkpoint protein BUB3
Synonyms BUB3_HUMAN |
Primary ID O43684
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 3
Function Has a dual function in spindle-assembly checkpoint signaling and in promoting the establishment of correct kinetochore-microtubule (K-MT) attachments. Promotes the formation of stable end-on bipolar attachments. Necessary for kinetochore localization of BUB1. Regulates chromosome segregation during oocyte meiosis. The BUB1/BUB3 complex plays a role in the inhibition of anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) when spindle-assembly checkpoint is activated and inhibits the ubiquitin ligase activity of APC/C by phosphorylating its activator CDC20. This complex can also phosphorylate MAD1L1.


Modifications Tables


Regulator Mechanism target score
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png phosphorylation BUB3 0.319
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
+ up-regulates activity img/direct-activation.png relocalization BUB3 0.942
Publications: 1
+ form complex img/form-complex.png binding MCC 0.965
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens