
Full Name Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 1
Synonyms Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein | BIRC1
Primary ID Q13075
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Type protein
Relations 4
Function Anti-apoptotic protein which acts by inhibiting the activities of CASP3, CASP7 and CASP9. Can inhibit the autocleavage of pro-CASP9 and cleavage of pro-CASP3 by CASP9. Capable of inhibiting CASP9 autoproteolysis at 'Asp-315' and decreasing the rate of auto proteolysis at 'Asp-330'. Acts as a mediator of neuronal survival in pathological conditions. Prevents motor-neuron apoptosis induced by a variety of signals. Possible role in the prevention of spinal muscular atrophy that seems to be caused by inappropriate persistence of motor-neuron apoptosis



Regulator Mechanism target score
+ up-regulates activity img/indirect-activation.png NAIP 0.7
Publications: 1
+ form complex img/form-complex.png binding NLRC4 inflammasome 0.522
Publications: 1
+ up-regulates activity img/indirect-activation.png NAIP 0.7
Publications: 1
+ down-regulates img/direct_inhibition.png binding CASP9 0.474
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens