
Name gL
Full Name Envelope glycoprotein L
Synonyms gL |
Primary ID P03212
Links - -
Type protein
Relations 1
Pathways EBV infection
Function The heterodimer glycoprotein H-glycoprotein L is required for the fusion of viral and plasma membranes leading to virus entry into the host cell. Acts as a functional inhibitor of gH and maintains gH in an inhibited form. Upon binding to host integrins, gL dissociates from gH leading to activation of the viral fusion glycoproteins gB and gH. Fusion of EBV with B-lymphocytes requires the additional receptor-binding protein gp42, which forms a complex with gH/gL. The heterodimer gH/gL targets also host EPHA2 to promote viral entry.



Regulator Mechanism target score
+ form complex img/form-complex.png binding EBV gH:gL:gp42 0.2
Publications: 1 Organism: Homo Sapiens
Pathways:EBV infection