Macrophage: Metabolic switch

Pathway ID: SIGNOR-MacroMS

Description: Macrophage polarization strongly depends on their metabolism of arginine. M1 macrophages express the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, which metabolizes arginine to nitric oxide and citrulline. M2 macrophages express the enzyme arginase, which limits the arginine availability for nitric oxide synthase and catalizes the production of proline and polyamines (spermine, spermidine and putrescine).

Curated by: Alessandro Palma

8 Seed Entities

Name Primary ID
STAT6 P42226
L-ornithine CHEBI:15729
M1_polarization SIGNOR-PH54
L-arginine CHEBI:16467
NOS2 P35228
M2_polarization SIGNOR-PH55
nitric oxide CHEBI:16480
ARG1 P05089