Myoblast: IL6 and hypertrophy


Description: IL6 is an essential regulator of satellite cell-mediated hypertrophic muscle growth. Circulating IL6 levels normally peak immediately following acute physical exercise and return to baseline levels few days later. Depending on its concentration, IL6 plays an important role in the regulation of satellite cell proliferation. At lower concentrations, IL6 induces a dose-dependent boost of satellite cell proliferation by activating the JAK2/STAT3 pathway. Upon STAT3 activation, increased expression of cyclin D1 and c-myc promotes satellite cell progression through the cell cycle. At higher IL6 concentrations, STAT3 activation can be also related to MYOD1 expression and the progression towards terminal myogenic differentiation.

Curated by: Andrea Cerquone Perpetuini

10 Seed Entities

Name Primary ID
IL6R P08887
MYOD1 P15172
IL6ST P40189
Proliferation SIGNOR-PH4
Differentiation SIGNOR-PH37
CCND1 P24385
JAK2 O60674
MYC P01106
STAT3 P40763
IL6 P05231